New Publication
31/08/22 11:19
Congrats to Nikolay and Jan for a recent paper : Birefringence-modulated total internal reflection in liquid crystal shells on Frontiers in Soft Matter.


Congratulations to Rao and Jan on the new publication in science advances!
13/04/19 10:46
Congratulations to Rao and Jan on the new publication in science advances: "Liquid crystal elastomer shell actuators with negative order parameter" Paper reveals the first ever liquid crystals with a negative order parameter ground state. Here's the article (open access, no subscription required)
Click here for the link.
Click here for the link.
Free access to recently published article!
08/01/19 19:54
Happy new year! Starting this year with free access to our recently published article “Influence of head group and chain length of surfactants used for stabilising liquid crystal shells”. It's free for first 50 readers. Enjoy reading.
Here is the link:

Here is the link: