publications post-doc
New Publication in Energy & Environmental Science
11/12/24 12:30
Congratulations to Yansong, Jan, alumni Rijeesh and Hakam, and our collaborators in the Laboratory for Photovoltaics for their recent publication, "Arbitrary and active colouring of solar cells with negligible loss of efficiency", in Energy & Environmental Science! As part of the FNR-funded project LETZCOLOR, this recent work explores the use of polymerized liquid crystals to beautify solar cell panels without any cost to the performance of the panels.
The article is free to access and read; a very nice way to end the year!

The article is free to access and read; a very nice way to end the year!

New Publication
25/05/23 11:35
Congrats to Yong and Jan for a new paper about Cholesteric liquid crystal elastomer fibers on Advanced Science.


New publication!
14/06/21 12:11
Many congratulations to the team for the recently published article "Linking physical objects to their digital twins via fiducial markers designed for invisibility to humans" in Multifunctional Materials.


New article in Advanced Functional Materials!
20/12/19 18:14
Congratulations to Rijeesh and the team for the new article "Facile Anisotropic Deswelling Method for Realizing Large‐Area Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Uniform Structural Color and Broad‐Range Mechanochromic Response" published in Advanced Functional Materials.
Congratulations to Catherine!
05/08/19 10:11
Congratulations to Catherine for beautiful cover page on Soft Matter representing the outline of the phase diagram with the nematic droplets nucleating over it from the spinodal decomposition.!divAbstract
Here you can access the article.

Here you can access the article.