New Publication
29/03/23 10:41
Congrats to our alumni Anjali, Rijeesh and Jan for a recent paper: Impact of mesogenic aromaticity and cyano termination on the alignment and stability of liquid crystal shells.
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New Publication
02/03/22 10:59
New Publication! Congrats to our alumnus Anjali, Deepak Gupta, Giusy Scalia, and Jan for recent publication on Physical Review Research about Lipid islands on liquid crystal shells.


New publication!
14/06/21 12:11
Many congratulations to the team for the recently published article "Linking physical objects to their digital twins via fiducial markers designed for invisibility to humans" in Multifunctional Materials.


New article on LCE shells!
04/05/21 13:34
Many congratulations to Anjali, Andy, and Jan for the recent article "Liquid crystal elastomer shells with topological defect-defined actuation: Complex shape morphing, opening/closing, and unidirectional rotation" published in the Journal of Applied Physics. We are also happy to share that this article is Editor's pick. Article is open access.


Recently published article in PRR
07/08/20 16:40
Many congratulations to JungHyun, Jan and the team for the recent paper "Dynamic tuning of the director field in liquid crystal shells using block copolymers" published in Physical Review Research.


Congratulations to Anjali!
03/09/19 16:04
Congratulations to Anjali, Jampani, and Jan on their new article published in Langmuir: "Realignment of liquid crystal shells driven by temperature-dependent surfactant solubility"
This is the study of nematic LC shells stabilized by temperature responsive surfactant. Study shows how one can change the alignment of LC just by varying the temperature. Click here for the full article.

This is the study of nematic LC shells stabilized by temperature responsive surfactant. Study shows how one can change the alignment of LC just by varying the temperature. Click here for the full article.